BST Sr. Sec. School

School enjoys privilege to get accepted as one of the top most coveted and prestigious school of the region providing world class quality education and exposure to students


Education is the most powerful tool which can be used to change the world.

BST Sr. Sec. School, Beharipur, Kapurthala was established in 1998 under the aegis of BER SAHIB TRUST, Jalandhar. School was congregated with BER SAHIB TRUST, Jalandhar on April 01, 1998. School enjoys privilege to get accepted as one of the top most coveted and prestigious school of the region providing world class quality education and exposure to students. Fundamental objective is to provide the students real quality education and photographic films of the society. So that they can be wise enough to decide the right course of life. This institution is a hub of quality education with a focus on all round harmonious growth of students. The numerous curricular, co – curricular, and extra – curricular activities encourage students and teachers to challenge themselves and channel their creativity.

School emphasis on value – based education with a focus on competence and developing of life skills through sports, performing arts, community focus, and leadership training. School infuses cultural values, academic rationality, religious ethics, and aesthetic values of truth, beauty, and goodness. Endeavours are made to break the shackles of rote memorization and cramming as they hinder the child’s growth towards becoming a responsible, natural, genuine human being. School provides new – age campus and legislation as the Right of Education Act. School is teeming with new technologies ranging from IT – enabled smart classrooms to state of the art, music, a well equipped auditorium, lush green play grounds, and library with 3500 books. School is technologically well equipped with 14 computers connected to an internal network of projectors in classroom.

Our Vision

To blend Indian customs and traditions with the global standards of education and facilitate value based quality education to maximum number of children of our society within their affordable resources.

Our Mission

Our Mission is ‘to open doors & open minds’ and prepare the ground for the future of the nation. Besides that, we intend to nurture holistic excellence integrating life skills, core values and competencies in tandem incorporating the best practices.

Mr. Hardev Singh

Principal's Message

There is a growing acceptance verging on unanimity that climate is changing whether it is the field of education, administration, or politics. Therefore, education is a constant ramification of viewing the world. And school is an arable land where students’ potentials, capabilities, and skills are ploughed and mulched. We strive our best to cultivate all the values in our students by moulding and nurturing them into complete, genuine human beings who attain excellence not just in academic but also in other vital fields of life. There are other dynamics too. We are determined to remove reluctance of coming to school from pupils’ mind and enlighten willingness to come to school among them by our constant efforts that is made by altering school environment as an entertainment industry where pupils do not experience monotonous academic life, but enjoy learning with fun. All students are exposed to a number of co-curricular activities like yoga, hand ball, skating, music, dance, creative arts, gardening, photography, a film appreciation to make them realize their potential and teach them how to follow their head and hearts. Living things grow and change, so does teaching – learning process. 

Mr. Kulbir Singh

President's Message

Our objective is not only to impart knowledge just for the sake of knowledge, but also provide the students an environment to prepare them for their career and their whole life too. We try to impart knowledge and wisdom together to students by creating a congenial learning environment. We develop cultural and ethical values among students. They are as significant as academic values for the development of a well balanced, rational human being. We are committed to society to make them complete genuine, wise, and civilized human beings who can take active and rational decisions when faced with the challenges of life. We help students realize talents that are gifts to be developed not for self satisfaction or self gain, but for the good of society. We have broad vision and incorporate skill in everyday life. Our aim is to enable students to face challenges and shoulder responsibilities with confidence and integrity. We try our best to track the trends and developments in the fast changing world of school education for holistic development of the students.

Some important facts about us

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Class Rooms


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Science Lab

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Computer Lab

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Play Ground


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