Principal Message

Mr. Hardev Singh

There is a growing acceptance verging on unanimity that climate is changing whether it is the field of education, administration, or politics. Therefore, education is a constant ramification of viewing the world. And school is an arable land where students’ potentials, capabilities, and skills are ploughed and mulched. We strive our best to cultivate all the values in our students by moulding and nurturing them into complete, genuine human beings who attain excellence not just in academic but also in other vital fields of life. There are other dynamics too. We are determined to remove reluctance of coming to school from pupils’ mind and enlighten willingness to come to school among them by our constant efforts that is made by altering school environment as an entertainment industry where pupils do not experience monotonous academic life, but enjoy learning with fun. All students are exposed to a number of co-curricular activities like yoga, hand ball, skating, music, dance, creative arts, gardening, photography, a film appreciation to make them realize their potential and teach them how to follow their head and hearts. Living things grow and change, so does teaching – learning process. 


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